Art Project (Updated May 1, 2017)

I have learned the hard way with this project that practicing a new skill on actual airplane parts can have bad results.   Sometimes these bad results end up with replacement parts being shipped from Oregon!   Lesson learned, always practice a new skill, or knock the rust off an old skill, by practicing on scrap parts.   Because I didn't learn this lesson until a ways into the project, I now have a "scrap parts" pile a little larger than I would like.   Well, I have put my "scrap parts" to use as practice material and now have a work of art to show for it.

Here's my "work of art" so far.   I use this piece for practice before working on the actual project.    The most recent addition was the skin riveted to the rib when I was practicing for wing skin riveting.    Each of these pieces has a story behind it that may, or may not contain some foul language.
 In the long run, I hope the practice this piece provides will actually reduce the size of my spare parts pile, and eventually run out of parts to enable this piece to grow larger.    We'll see:)