The RV-14 is built in sections, so many people have built in areas as small a single car garage ( some smaller I understand). Most, however, find that a two car garage is about the right size to get through the major part of the build.
As sections are completed, they will need to be stored until they are "joined" to sections that will be built later. Most builders seem to complete the whole airframe, except for attaching the wings, in their workshop. The project at that point is moved to the airport hangar where the wings are attached and final assembly completed.
The sections, or sub-kits, for the RV-14 are:
1. Empennage
2. Wing
3. Fuselage
4. Finishing
I will be starting with the Empennage Kit which includes, the vertical stab; rudder; horizontal stab; elevator, and a small section of the tail empennage.
The question many people ask, including me, is "how long will it take to build??" Well, from my initial depends:). Vans gives an estimated time frame for the airplane as around 1,000 build hours. However, it seems for first time builders that time frame may be slightly conservative. Factors such as; time available to build, time spent researching "how to" accomplish a new task, and funds available to purchase subsequent kits, all make it difficult to determine an accurate time to build. With all that in mind, my "goal" is five years, but would like to do it in three:). We'll see how it goes.